Wednesday, April 21, 2010

MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Airborne Amputees moved to 5/1/10

I'm sad to report that the 3rd annual Airborne Amputee skydive hosted by Limbs of Love was postponed due to inclement weather....however; the good news is the event has been rescheduled for Saturday, May 1st and according to the weather man it's going to be a BEAUTIFUL day!

It was a tough decision on whether or not we should put the brakes on all of our hard work, however we are extremely grateful to have an incredible team of volunteers, sponsors and vendors who have altered their plans to ensure the event is everything it was going to be (and more!) on May 1st!

We have an amazing day in store for our Wounded Warriors and the amputee community, and we hope you can all join us for a day full of music, friends, food and fun as over 150 amputees leap out of a plane at 16,000 feet to prove that life goes on after amputation!

Need more information on the event? Check out The event is free of charge so be sure to come enjoy the day with us!

Skydiving is free for amputees and $150 for non-amputees. Sign-up today!

We hope to see you there!


Sunday, April 11, 2010

It's Oreo Cookie Dunk-Off time!

In preparation for the DARS Oreo Cookie Dunk-Off on Saturday, TMC held a "Dunk-Off" of their own! With six teams competing, each hoping to win $50 towards their teams raffle ticket sales, the competition got intense.

The final two teams were Sales, representented by Eric Chiboroski, Mike Scholotzhauer and Ryan Fisher, and Aggies 4 Amputees, represented by Garrett Scanlan, Alex Drake and Josh Barnett.

The Sales Reps put up a good fight, but they were no match for Aggies 4 Amputees!

Don't miss the official Oreo Cookie Dunk-Off between DARS offices at the 3rd Annual Airborne Amputee Skydive next Saturday, April 17th! DARS offices won't ben the only ones competing; rehab facilities will be competiing in the Rehab Games to display their rehab skills and fight for the title of the Best Rehab Facility in Houston!

These are two competitions you won't want to miss; it's sure to be a great show! So bring your friends and family (we will have miniature horse rides, live music, BBQ, moonwalks and more) so there is sure to be fun for all! View the complete schedule of events here.

Airborne Amputees is sure to be the TMC event of the year; we hope to see you there!