This week in Dallas, later this month in Pittsburg...
coming soon to a city near you!
Through the generosity of fellow practitioners, after 3 years of providing over $1,000,000 in prosthetic limbs for patients without resources in the Houston area, Limbs of Love is proud to announce its expansion to serving patients throughout the country.
We have teamed up with O and P facilities across the country to provide prosthetic limbs to those that have lost a limb but do not have the resources to pay for a prosthetic device. Currently, Limbs of Love is working with Forth Worth based Baker O&P and Pittsburgh based De La Torre O&P to provide two deserving amputees with prosthetic limbs, giving them the gift of mobility and a new lease on life. Limbs of Love not only changes the lives of amputees, but portrays the O and P industry in a positive light through the media attention generated, spotlighting those prosthetist that are truly dedicated to serving the amputee community through their involvement.
Click the picture below to see Abdelali ElFilali's story, a morrocan amputee who received a prosthetic leg Tuesday, thanks to Fort Worth based Baker O&P and Limbs of Love.

Stay tuned tomorrow for more on Abdelali....
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